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Skuldhulp in collaboration with AfriForum

Skuldhulp and AfriForum are both organisations known for supporting the Afrikaans community. Since AfriForum is committed to the advancement of the Afrikaans community and Skuldhulp has the ability to help people who are overwhelmed by debt, Skuldhulp and AfriForum have decided to join forces to make a difference in our community.


Benefits of choosing Skuldhulp as your debt counsellor

Skuldhulp AfriForum
Skuldhulp Family with a Lamb
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Skuldhulp is trusted by AfriForum to assist their members with debt relief.


Special Discount

As an AfriForum member, you are eligible to receive a special discount on your debt review fees.


16 Years Experience

Skuldhulp is endorsed by Debt Rescue, an industry leader with over 16 years of experience.


Monthly Payments

Skuldhulp provides consolidated, reduced monthly payments.


Protection Against Legal Action

You are protected from legal action by your creditors. We manage all communication with them.


Support in Your Language

This makes the debt review and consolidation process easier and more accessible for the Afrikaans-speaking community.

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How we can help you

Ms. van Aswegen was over indebted, and her total monthly debt repayments amounted to R25,000 before she approached Skuldhulp for help. Skuldhulp negotiated with her creditors so that her new total monthly debt repayment amount is now only R15,000.

Without Debt Review

Without Debt Counselling

Without debt counselling, her total debt repayment amount would still be R25,000 per month.

With Debt Review

With Debt Counselling

With our debt counselling services, just like

Ms. van Aswegen, you could potentially save R10,000 on your total debt repayment amount!

Contact Us Today
Skuldhulp Happy Family with Dog
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